Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Power of Forgiveness

Last Sunday at Small Group, we took a break and had movie night, watching the documentary The Power of Forgiveness. It looks at many aspects of forgiveness, interviewing researchers who have done studies on forgiveness, religious leaders of many faiths, and people who have gone through terrible experiences (such as the holocaust or losing a loved one during the 9-11 attacks). The most moving part to me was the last story, where a Muslim father whose son was murdered by a 14-year old boy on drugs. The father completely forgave the murderer and started a foundation with the murderer's Christian grandfather (and guardian) to teach inner city kids about forgiveness.
It also explored the murder of the Amish schoolchildren a few years ago, and commented on how the faith and traditions of the Amish people made them hardwired to forgive. Even though we share the same faith, I don't feel like I'm hardwired at all to forgive. I think I generally hold grudges and try to get even, even though I want to be forgiving and know that's how I'm supposed to be. Wouldn't it be awesome if churches could be boot camps for forgiveness and our kids would grow up to be automatic forgivers?
Anyway, I thought it was a really good film. Check it out if you get a chance (I have a copy if you want to borrow it).

1 comment:

jeff said...

hey chris, i'd love to borrow it.